One of the characteristics of an activity that it is
automatically destroyed and recreated whenever there is a change in device
orientation. As such, it is important that you take note of this so that you
don’t lose any data when the user accidentally rotates the device.
When an activity is rotated, the activity will fire the onSaveInstanceState() method before the
activity is destroyed:
public void
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
//---save whatever
you need to persist—
"This is a string!");
You can make use of the Bundle
object to save the state of your activity.
Do not confuse the onSaveInstanceState()
method with the onPause() and onStop() methods, as:
The onPause()
and onStop() methods are always
called when an activity is sent to the background or is being destroyed
When an activity is being destroyed, the onSaveInstanceState() method will not
be called; it will however be called when the activity is sent to the
The onSaveInstanceState()
method will be called when it is being killed by the OS due to a memory crunch
When the activity is created, you can use the onRestoreInstanceState() method to
restore the previous saved state of the activity:
public void
savedInstanceState) {
//---retrieve the
information persisted earlier---
String s =
Toast.makeText(this, s,
While usually you can also use the onCreate() method to restore the activity state, the onRestoreInstanceState() method is
another method for you to restore the activity state.