One of the commonly performed tasks in Javascript is accessing
JSON services. However, due to the nature of JSON, it is often not easy to
parse the JSON result.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to access a JSON service
that returns the prices of stocks. The Yahoo API is one such service. To use
it, call it with the following query string:*
In the above string, the stock symbols are bolded – YHOO (Yahoo) and AAPL (Apple). The %22 surrounding the stock symbols is the URL encoded
equivalent of the double quote (“) and the %2C is the equivalent of the comma
(,). Hence, the above snippet of:
is the same as:
If you want the price of additional stocks, simply add more
symbols separated with commas, like this:
The Yahoo API service returns the result of the query as a JSON
string. Here is one sample result:
- -1.34%","Change":"-0.48","Commission":null,"ChangeRealtime":"-0.48","AfterHoursChangeRealtime":"N/A
- N/A","DividendShare":"0.00","LastTradeDate":"3/26/2014","TradeDate":null,"EarningsShare":"1.26","ErrorIndicationreturnedforsymbolchangedinvalid":null,"EPSEstimateCurrentYear":"1.58","EPSEstimateNextYear":"1.80","EPSEstimateNextQuarter":"0.37","DaysLow":"35.45","DaysHigh":"36.74","YearLow":"22.70","YearHigh":"41.72","HoldingsGainPercent":"-
- N/A","HoldingsGainRealtime":null,"MoreInfo":"cn","OrderBookRealtime":null,"MarketCapitalization":"35.783B","MarketCapRealtime":null,"EBITDA":"1.031B","ChangeFromYearLow":"+12.75","PercentChangeFromYearLow":"+56.17%","LastTradeRealtimeWithTime":"N/A
- 35.45","ChangePercentRealtime":"N/A -
26 -
- 36.74","DaysRangeRealtime":"N/A -
Inc.","Notes":null,"Open":"36.36","PreviousClose":"35.93","PricePaid":null,"ChangeinPercent":"-1.34%","PriceSales":"7.75","PriceBook":"2.79","ExDividendDate":null,"PERatio":"28.52","DividendPayDate":null,"PERatioRealtime":null,"PEGRatio":"3.14","PriceEPSEstimateCurrentYear":"22.74","PriceEPSEstimateNextYear":"19.96","Symbol":"YHOO","SharesOwned":null,"ShortRatio":"1.20","LastTradeTime":"4:00pm","TickerTrend":" ====== ","OneyrTargetPrice":"40.71","Volume":"20940480","HoldingsValue":null,"HoldingsValueRealtime":null,"YearRange":"22.70
- 41.72","DaysValueChange":"- -
-1.34%","DaysValueChangeRealtime":"N/A -
- 539.78","ChangePercentRealtime":"N/A -
26 - 539.78","LastTradePriceOnly":"539.78","HighLimit":null,"LowLimit":null,"DaysRange":"538.86
- 549.00","DaysRangeRealtime":"N/A -
13","PERatioRealtime":null,"PEGRatio":"0.60","PriceEPSEstimateCurrentYear":"12.73","PriceEPSEstimateNextYear":"11.73","Symbol":"AAPL","SharesOwned":null,"ShortRatio":"1.70","LastTradeTime":"4:00pm","TickerTrend":" ====== ","OneyrTargetPrice":"592.38","Volume":"10707386","HoldingsValue":null,"HoldingsValueRealtime":null,"YearRange":"385.10
- 575.14","DaysValueChange":"- -
-0.96%","DaysValueChangeRealtime":"N/A -
As you can see, this is not easily readable. Parsing this JSON
result and trying to extract useful information from it is not a straight
forward task. Here is one way to make your live easier.
Create a HTML file (name it StockPrices.html)
and add in the following code:
function getStockPrice() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',
'*', true);
req.onload = function(e) {
if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
if(req.status == 200) {
var response = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
alert("Set breakpoint here");
} else {
<body onload="getStockPrice()"></body>
Essentially, the Javascript code uses the XMLHttpRequest() object to query the Yahoo API service. When the
result is returned, you use the JSON.parse()
method to convert the JSON string into a JSON object. The challenge would be to
discover the various properties and objects contained within this JSON object.
For this, you can use the Chrome
browser (you can also use Safari on
the Mac). When Chrome is loaded, click on the button on the right-side of the
window and select Tools | Developer
In Chrome, load the StockPrices.html
document that you have just created.
At the bottom of the screen, click on the Sources tab:
Click on the Show
navigator button:
You will now see the Navigator.
Select the StockPrices.html file:
The content of StockPrices.html
will now be displayed. Clicking on the line number column will set a breakpoint
at the particular line:
In this case, you want to set a breakpoint after the response
from the Web service has been parsed to a JSON object.
Reload the page to run the script again so that the debugger can
now stop at the breakpoint:
On the right-side of the window, expand on the response variable and notice that it
has several layers of properties. Expand each layer and look for the
information that you want. In this case, we are looking for the stock symbol
and bid price. Observe that the response
object has a query object, which in
turn contains the results object.
The results object contains the quote array, which contains two
objects. You can now see that the first object has a property named Bid, which is the bidding price of the
stock. As you scroll down, you will be able to find the symbol property, which is the symbol for the stock:
You can now add in the following snippets of code to retrieve the
stock and bid price of Yahoo and Apple:
function getStockPrice() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',
'*', true);
req.onload = function(e) {
if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
if(req.status == 200) {
var response = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
//alert("Set breakpoint here");
for (i=0; i<response.query.count; i++) {
response.query.results.quote[i].Symbol +
" - $" +
} else {
<body onload="getStockPrice()"></body>
Reload the HTML page without the breakpoint. You should now see
the price of the stocks you want:
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