Here is the synposis of the book:
"Learn how to build your own blog using Google’s free Blogger service. This book covers the basic and the not-so-basic concepts and technologies that you need to know in order to thrive in the blogging world.
With this book, you will learn how to use Blogger’s Post Editor and Dashboard to create sophisticated postings that include images and hyperlinks, and how to change the look and feel of your blog using templates. Other topics include making money using Google’s AdSense and Amazon.com’s Associates program, using photo blogging services, adding a site counter so that you can track your readership, using Blogger Mobile for mobile blogging, and how to archive your blog. For those of you who have your own Web hosting, you will learn how to publish your blog to your own server.
This book takes a rational, no-nonsense approach in a compact guide. The book is written to give you the basics…fast!
Technical accuracy is assured by Biz Stone, Former Senior Specialist on the Google Blogger Team. "