For a long time, I was looking for a good and reliable wireless
barcode scanner that would allow me to scan my library of books without needing to lug around my notebook. Once the barcodes (ISBN) of the books are scanned they can then be offloaded in bulk to my PC. I then automate the cataloging process by calling the Amazon.com Web service. The
Symbol LS4278 fits the bill perfectly. The Symbol LS4278 is a Bluetooth Class 2 device that supports the Serial Port and HID profiles. One of the scenarios is using it in a warehouse environment where you need to run about scanning all the barcodes. When you are back in your office, you can then transfer the collected barcodes wirelessly (through Bluetooth) to your PC.
I will be showing how to interface the LS4278 scanner with your .NET application in the Aug run of the
Windows Mobile 5.0 Programming course.